Bubbling Saturday and the Adult Drama Group

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The Adult Drama group’s performance was called ‘Blah Blah Blah…Brexit’. When we started at the beginning of the year, because we are leaving Europe, we decided to look at Brexit for our drama piece. Because of the way the situation keeps swinging back and forth, we had to change the beginning, the middle and the end of our piece. It was so exciting! Even up until the last day of rehearsing, we were adding lines and making changes. It was just not clear enough, what was going on with Brexit or what would happen. some group members hated the idea but they took part and they enjoyed themselves too.

Bubbling Saturday was a little bit stressful but it was very nice to see all the young kids and their families and all the weekly members and staff put a show together. I thought it was good!

I love the group. I look forward to it every week. When I go there I meet a lot of different people with different backgrounds that I know I’d never have the opportunity to meet anywhere else. Together we laugh and joke and we work out all of the past week’s stress.

If I can describe the effect Bubble has on me, I would simply describe it as a magic tablet that you can take as a solution to all the illnesses and weaknesses you may have. It hits them and helps. I have seen this effect both in the BAD group and also in the Tea Break Theatre group of which I am also a member. Some people’s personalities have transformed from very shy and reserved to bubbling and alive. Bubble does all that for you. In my opinion.


Guler Arif