Have you considered including the London Bubble Theatre in your will?
Each year London Bubble Theatre creates hundreds of creative opportunities that involve thousands of individuals, in the making and enjoyment of theatre. Creating excellent theatre, involving the community and engendering joy amongst those that participate is what we do best.
Over the last 40 years we have produced great theatre and inspired the audiences of tomorrow. We have animated London’s parks and worked extensively in our communities – using programmes such as Bubble Young Theatre Makers and Speech Bubbles to change the lives of children and young people.
Our imagination and our determination is limitless – our resources are not. If the London Bubble and what it represents are important to you, please consider helping us by including the London Bubble Theatre in your Will. Your generosity will help provide a lasting gift that ensures future generations will continue to enjoy the London Bubble Theatre in the same way you do yourself.

What will it achieve?
Leaving a gift to the London Bubble in your will is a great way to ensure your name and generosity will continue. Donations and legacies can be as small or large, as specific or general as you wish.
As a registered charity, London Bubble would be honoured if you would consider remembering us in your will. Your legacy gift will provide a solid foundation that will allow the London Bubble to continue and grow, and will help fund a variety of special projects that will make a direct and lasting contribution to our future.
What do I need to do?
All you need to do is contact a solicitor and explain the provision you would like to make for London Bubble. You may be asked for our registered charity number which is 264359.
Or, arrange a time to come in to talk to us by calling 020 7237 4434.