Bubble weekly drama classes remain on pause until the end of 2020.  We are developing plans for the future and will be in touch about how you can continue to stay socially connected with Bubble (even if we have to be socially distanced for the time being.

The theatre makers in this group come from all walks of life and have a wide range of experience.
They develop a supportive and creative community, build skills and make theatre about the things that are important to them.

“It takes all the stress from during the day.  I come with a lot of weight on my shoulders and I go home relaxed.”

Class fees:
£80 (£40 concessions).  Paid termly.

How to book:
Call Mark on 020 7237 4434, or complete the form below.

Affordable, enjoyable, confidence building, evening drama class for adults.

Coming to Bubble for the first time?
If you’re new to Bubble you can come along for a free trial class at the start of term.  Please get in touch to book your place.
We also run a day time, drop in group called Tea Break Theatre which embodies our believe that theatre making can improve wellbeing and confidence.  If you’re not sure about signing up for a term of classes, why not get in touch to see whether Tea Break Theatre might be more suited to you.

Classes at Bubble are inclusive and our building is accessible.

We have a parking space available for anyone attending classes with additional access needs. Please get in touch if you would like to reserve parking or to speak to us about additional support.

For more information or to book call Mark on 020 7237 4434

Photographs by Jonathan Vines and Holly Cant.