7 exciting writers, 7 Bubble Young Theatre Makers, 7 creative collabos, 7 brand new monologues, 7 South London locations, 7 short films …


South London is bursting with people and stories. You only have to walk down the street to see romance, crime, action and grief played out before your very eyes. Secrets simmer beneath the surface, past experiences linger in the shadows and hope floats along like traffic.

Think of a character that you associate with South London.

Where is their spot? It could be in their home, on a particular bus route or by a specific landmark. What’s their story?

South London Stories is a new creative project by London Bubble Theatre for 18-25 year old’s who did just that.

7 young people partnered with 7 contemporary professional writers to co-create a character and develop a monologue.This project is about taking inspiration from our community and making extraordinary art from the ordinary.

Don’t miss this special premiere screening of all seven short films and post viewing Q&A.

Reserve your ticket here, put on your glad rags and get ready to roll out the red carpet!

Tickets are free but if you are able, please consider a donation to our London Bubble Crowdfunder.