Snap, Chat, Tweet, Repeat

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Snap – This week we snapped an image for our poster and came up with a snappy title! We are pleased to introduce: Snap, Chat, Tweet, Repeat.

Chat – Earlier in the week we went out and had a chat with the youth group Fast Forward, gathering more ideas around what effects young people. After that workshop we came together as a group with all the ideas to put together our story. We wanted to create some dynamic, edgy and touching scenes and worked through some plot ideas. All that work is now coming together as a relevant and moving play. That means we come in each day more and more excited to see where these characters and stories are going to take us.

Tweet – On Friday we went to watch Synergy’s ‘Girls like that’. A play written by Evan Placey based around social media and the Amanda Todd Story. Seeing this piece really drilled home how important this issue is within today’s society, making us think about our own piece. What most captured our attention was the pace of the story and how believable it was, which obviously led to a discussion about the qualities we want to have in our production. Feeling motivated Cohort 7 are now eager and excited to make Snap, Chat, Tweet, Repeat the success we know it can be!

Repeat – After the amazing week we’ve had, we definitely can’t wait for it to repeat!