The Theatre We Make That The Public Don’t See

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  • The Theatre We Make That The Public Don’t See

Whenever it seems quiet at London Bubble and we haven’t put a public play on in a while, like many community theatre companies, our work happens year round and on a range of scales. Sometimes it’s for public audiences, other times for small invited groups and most often, it’s for other members of the group. The thing that’s consistent? Our members exploring the stories that matter to them.

Let us tell you about the theatre that IS happening this term… We have 3 Tea Break Theatre groups for older adults. They take place in sheltered housing units and at Bubble HQ. That’s 18 older adults sharing stories, developing characters and singing together.

The Rotherhithe Shed continues to open it’s doors to older adults twice a week. That’s 12 regulars getting creative with their hands; expressing themselves through making, fixing and painting!

Their work will be shared with the public this June as we celebrate 10 years of our Older Adults’ Programme.

Young Theatre Makers is running on three days of the week. Currently 7 18–25-year-olds are devising forum theatre about the things they think disempower young people. Their play will tour to schools and youth settings at the end of March and the project will culminate in a public showcase.

Over at Southwark Youth Justice Service, a group of young people are devising a short play as part of Creative Voices. Their work will be shared with friends, family and youth justice professionals at the end of February.

We are also using theatre skills with young people at Southwark Youth Justice Service to prepare for interviews as part of Way Into Work.

Speech Bubbles happens in 8 schools every week. That’s 160 children telling, sharing and performing stories.

Drama Games Workshops are running during February half term for 6-8 and 9-11 year olds.